
This is the section of the website where we provide you with additional resources relating to the art, craft and science of leadership development, team learning, organizational change and cultural integration within the global matrix organization. 

Self-Directed Learning

'The crux of leadership development that works is self-directed learning: intentionally developing or strengthening an aspect of who you are or who you want to be, or both.' - Richard Boyatzis

Richard Boyatzis proposes that leaders can make sustainable changes in their behaviour by applying a model of self-directed learning (also known as a model of intentional change). The self-directed learning model requires us to make five discoveries; relating to our ideal self, our real self, our personal learning agenda, opportunities to experiment with and practice new behaviours and people that help, support and challenge us as we work on changing our behaviour.


Global Executive Coaching

'Even if executive coaching costs $50K (which it doesn't), it's barely a rounding error to invest in the coaching of a key player who has responsibility for millions of dollars and for key human resources. Coaching is a success if one direct report, who used to be intimidated to speak up, comes up with an innovative idea.'
- CEO, Fortune 100 Company

Executive coaching provides exceptional Return on Learning for the individual who chooses to enter into the coaching relationship, for their direct reports, peers and partners and for the organization to which they belong. An effective global executive coach brings two key elements into the coaching relationship - firstly the core skills and mindset required to be an effective coach and secondly a deep understanding and experience of intercultural communication, management and team development within the global matrix.


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