Learning for Organizational Change
Group and Organizational Learning Processes
Organizational learning interventions with Clarion Learning consist of four phases - Discovery, Design, Delivery and Review. The four phases all individually and collectively have an impact on the mindsets and behaviours shared in your organization. Our integrated approach is aligned with and drives the business and strategic planning process. This ensures the successful implementation of your strategic change process to create sustainable results.
The discovery phase usually begins with a 'Team of Leaders' workshop which ensures not only that the vision driving the change is clear but that the leadership team is fully aligned with the desired change. The second element of the discovery phase is a perception gathering process with the Organizational Barometer; a dynamic real-time diagnosis of your organization's current thinking around change, need for change and change readiness. It is derived from the theory of
When implementing change we need to work at the organizational, group and individual level. The 'whole system' approach to organizational change informs us that no matter where we focus, there will always be an impact on the rest of the system. We need to ensure that the multiple levels of the learning intervention are aligned and constantly reinforce rather than undermine each other.
The delivery phase may consist of large group interventions, team learning and personal development. Each intervention is customized around your specific organizational needs - based upon the results of the initial discovery phase. Some of the first large group interventions were conducted in the UK back in 1960s by two consultants, Eric Trist and Fred Emery based on their work with Wilfred Bion. They developed the first Search Conference as a way of 'unlocking the internal forces of the group' and inspired the development of Future Search, Real Time Strategic Change and Open Space Technology and more recently methodologies such as the Appreciative Inquiry Summit and the World Cafe.
Our core philosophy is that learning has the greatest impact when it is delivered with simplicity, creativity, depth and through active involvement of the participants. Our consultants see their role as to facilitate the learning process and encourage individual, group and organizational dialog and learning. David Bohm describes dialog in the following way; 'Dialog is really aimed at going into the whole thought process and changing the way the thought process occurs collectively. The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained.' This is ultimately what organizational learning processes are all about.
In addition to evaluating the impact of the learning on your business results through relevant and agreed KPIs, we encourage our clients to conduct a second perception gathering process with the Organizational Barometer. This provides a real-time review of the organization's current thinking around change, need for change and change readiness and identifies any further action that may need to be taken to sustain the changes over time.
For more information contact us